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av B Ottesjö · 2020 — Procedia CIRP, 81 (2019), pp. 1113-1118. Retrieved from · Article Download PDFView Record in ScopusGoogle Procedia CIRP, 40, 7-12. UR -
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Autori della pubblicazione : Andrea Girgenti e Alessandro Giorgetti (Università Guglielmo Marconi, Roma), Marco Anselmi Procedia CIRP 3 ( 2012 ) 132 – 137 45th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems 2012 Method to Determine and Quantify Changes in Value Chains Caused by E-mobility W. Sihna,b,*, D. Palma,b, H. Gommela,b, W. Toberc, C. Bauerc aFraunhofer Austria, Theresianumgasse 7, 1040 Vienna, Austria Download PDF: Sorry, we are unable to provide the full text but you may find it at the following location(s): (external link) Author name / Procedia CIRP 00 (2014) 000–000 3 Fig. 1 for the considered machining conditions. Such strategy is called stabilization scheme. It corresponds to the solutions proposed by Mei et al., Shiraishi et al. and Chen and Knospe. The disturbance rejection scheme presents several advantages that may be very useful in practice. The fact Circular economy (CE) is one of the most discussed topics in academy and industry. Yet, the vastness of the subject can easily distract the discussions and cause incoherence to CE related plans and solutions.
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Procedia Cirp 17, 32-37, 2014.
409- 412. Article Download PDFView Record in ScopusGoogle Scholar. 4.
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The study indicates that the incorporation of the product-service culture contributes toward the improvement of the services offered by the companies. Papers published in Procedia CIRP will be available online on ScienceDirect and are indexed in Scopus, the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature. AN - SCOPUS:84883879494. VL - 6.
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