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We specialize in hiring people who have the drive to succeed and the will to implement the discipline required to succeed. We focus on nurturing our team and providing our team an environment that is conductive to creative thought. SERICA CONSULTING LTD. Learn more about SERICA CONSULTING LTD. Check the company's details for free and view the Companies House information, company documents and list of directors. Serica works with world-leading technology companies to make bold moves and achieve commercial success in unfamiliar markets. Combining regional expertise, innovative cross-cultural methodology and SERVICES David Sharp provides the essential consulting and training services for SERICA Practice Limited. The company offers independent review, advice and recommendations ensuring the client's best interests are served and gains best value in the current competeive market place.

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Learn more about scar treatment. FOUNDER & CHAIRMAN Following 20 years experience in Company Management and International finance and tax consulting for private and institutional clients in Swiss banks, Alfredo Serica decided to establish his new successful venture in 2005.

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For the last few years the consultant has established his own company, SERICA Practice Limited, providing independent peer review for Lloyd’s Syndicates, training and expert witness work. FOUNDER & CHAIRMAN Following 20 years experience in Company Management and International finance and tax consulting for private and institutional clients in Swiss banks, Alfredo Serica decided to establish his new successful venture in 2005. Serica Consulting est une société de conseil et de gestion d'approvisionnement, spécialisée sur le marché chinois. Fort d'une équipe multidisciplinaire et d'une présence à Hong Kong et à Paris, nous sommes en mesure d'accompagner nos clients à importer des produits chinois ou exporter leurs produits sur le marché chinois. Nos Consultants; Nos tarifs; Nos Services; Nos Clients; Contact +852 2897 8332.
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Lun - Ven 15:00 - 00:00 (FR) Room 1005, Phase 1, Chai Wan Industrial City Chai Wan Serica Consulting | 259 följare på LinkedIn. Serica Consulting empower organizations and contribute to other people's success. We clarify the organization's platform and optimize the leadership's ability to realize strategies.


2020-8-16 · Serica Energy: armed forces covenant pledge.

Serica Consulting Ltd 2016 年 5 月 - 至今 4 年 10 个月. Intern & Translator Hangzhou Yamiao Culture and Communication Co., Ltd. 2016 年 6 Serica | 641 följare på LinkedIn. Serica is a growth-stage medical device company focused on the development of silk-based biomaterial platforms that may be used in tissue repair. Our approach leverages the elegance, purity, and strength of natural silk in combination with advances in biomedical engineering to address large unmet clinical needs in the repair of damaged connective tissue Serica Energy Plc is committed to upholding the highest standards of conduct and ethics in all areas of our organisation. We encourage all employees, consultants, contractors or other interested parties who suspect any breaches in our policies or the way in which we conduct business to report those to allow us to consider appropriate investigation and response.