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Louisiana Tech is a public research university in Ruston, Louisiana. In recent years Committee, and the bones of the plan resulted from work sessions, stakeholder impacts on campus, particularly for new academic space use, reside Learn the Louisiana Tech student to faculty ratio and faculty composition to get a feel for the academic climate, class sizes, and access to professors. In short, an adjunct professor can either work full-time or part-time during a sc With its reputation for offering a private-college atmosphere at a public-university price, Tech is one place where students are always remembered. HonorSociety.org is the preeminent organization dedicated to recognition of academic and professional success, and to empower members to achieve.

Our goal is to educate the whole person so graduates are well rounded and service minded. Technical support questions regarding Academic Works or your Academic Works account should be directed to Financial Aid. Transfer Students: Students transferring into Louisiana Tech and majoring in the College of Business are eligible for scholarships. Social Sciences. Social Sciences is home to Political Science and Sociology. Our disciplines study a wide range of individual, institutional, and social behavior, and provide a means of gaining intellectual approaches that will be rewarding for a lifetime as well as a degree that will lead to many exciting career options. Begin your work now through the College of Business at Louisiana Tech University.