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A highlight of the most recent influential research publications from Marci E. Gluck, Ph.D. A selection of recent and significant publications can be viewed below. An official website of the United States Government For use in 2021 For the latest information about developments related to Pub. 15, such as legislation enacted after it was published, go to IRS.gov/Pub15. At the time this publication went Joint Doctrine Publications, Joint Education, Joint Training, Lessons Learned, and Concepts Welcome to the new home of the Joint Electronic Library.

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Publ 1335, Publication  Forms, Instructions and Publications Publ 15-A, Publication, Publication for 15-A Inst 1040 (Schedule E), Instruction, Instructions for 1040 (Schedule E). Inst 1125-E, Instruction, Instructions for 1125-E. Publ 1220, Publication, Publication for 1220. Form 12339-C, Form, Form for 12339-C. Publ 1335, Publication  Forms, Instructions and Publications Publ 15-A, Publication, Publication for 15-A Inst 1040 (Schedule E), Instruction, Instructions for 1040 (Schedule E). Forms, Instructions and Publications Form 1040 (Schedule E), Form, Form for 1040 (Schedule E) Publ 4555-E, Publication, Publication for 4555-E. Forms, Instructions and Publications Form 1040 (Schedule E), Form, Form for 1040 (Schedule E) Publ 4555-E, Publication, Publication for 4555-E. Forms, Instructions and Publications Form 1040 (Schedule E), Form, Form for 1040 (Schedule E) Publ 4555-E, Publication, Publication for 4555-E. Inst 1125-E, Instruction, Instructions for 1125-E.

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Forms, Instructions and Publications Form 1040 (Schedule E), Form, Form for 1040 (Schedule E) Publ 4555-E, Publication, Publication for 4555-E. Inst 1125-E, Instruction, Instructions for 1125-E. Publ 1220, Publication, Publication for 1220. Form 12339-C, Form, Form for 12339-C. Publ 1335, Publication  Forms, Instructions and Publications Form 1040 (Schedule E), Form, Form for 1040 (Schedule E) Publ 4555-E, Publication, Publication for 4555-E.

(uncountable) The publication of works in an electronic format. (noun) Publication 15 explains an employer's tax responsibilities for withholding, depositing, reporting, and paying employment taxes. Includes the tax tables needed to figure the taxes to withold from each employee. This publication explains your tax responsibilities as an employer.
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Form 12339-C, Form, Form for 12339-C. Publ 1335, Publication  Forms, Instructions and Publications Publ 15-A, Publication, Publication for 15-A Inst 1040 (Schedule E), Instruction, Instructions for 1040 (Schedule E). Forms, Instructions and Publications Form 1040 (Schedule E), Form, Form for 1040 (Schedule E) Publ 4555-E, Publication, Publication for 4555-E. Forms, Instructions and Publications Form 1040 (Schedule E), Form, Form for 1040 (Schedule E) Publ 4555-E, Publication, Publication for 4555-E. Forms, Instructions and Publications Form 1040 (Schedule E), Form, Form for 1040 (Schedule E) Publ 4555-E, Publication, Publication for 4555-E. Inst 1125-E, Instruction, Instructions for 1125-E. Publ 1220, Publication, Publication for 1220. Form 12339-C, Form, Form for 12339-C.

For the latest information Publication 15 explains an employer's tax responsibilities for withholding, depositing, reporting, and paying employment taxes. Includes the tax tables needed to figure the taxes to withold from each employee.